We are excited to share that McCulloch Kindergarten Teacher, Jill Clock, has been named the February RepMO Hero of the Month! Join us in congratulating Mrs. Clock on this well-deserved accolade as she has done an amazing job of investing in the lives of so many of our youngest learners throughout her career! #RepMOProud
Watch the video to see Superintendent, Dr. Matt Pearce surprise Mrs. Clock with this recognition!
Mrs. Clock will be honored at an upcoming Board of Education meeting and will receive $500 to be spent on the resources of her choice. She will also receive an additional paid day off.
A compilation of nominations received in regards to Mrs. Clock from district employees is below:
McCulloch Elementary would like to nominate Mrs. Jill Clock for RepMO Hero! Jill is one of the friendliest people you will ever meet. She always has a smile, has a huge heart for helping kids, and is always willing to help out our building however she can. Anyone who walks into Jill's classroom is immediately transfixed because she has a special talent for making everything fun and engaging for her learners. A great example is to watch her on the first day of Kindergarten every year, where she can be seen flawlessly leading her students through a mix-pair-share. In addition, Jill currently serves as our building TASK representative and Building Wellness Coordinator. We appreciate Jill and how she continually serves McCulloch students to ensure they are kind, high-achieving, lifelong learners!
Thanks to our sponsor, Beauty + Wellness Co, for supporting our district and providing an additional $100 for each RepMO Hero throughout the year to spend personally!
In addition to celebrating Mrs. Clock, we'd like to honor all of our February RepMO Hero Nominees! Thanks to every single one of these individuals for going above and beyond to serve students and teammates!
EC: Amy Foreman, ECSE Speech Language Pathologist
Lyon: Amanda Butler, Reading Specialist Teacher
McCulloch: Jill Clock, Kindergarten Teacher
Price: Abrielle Howard, ESOL Teacher
RHS: Lexie Gallion, Math Teacher
RMS: April Boyles, Special Education Teacher
Schofield: Elizabeth Blanford, Process Coordinator
Sweeny: Yvonne Hunziker, 3rd Grade Teacher
Learning Depts/CO Leah Coffey, Asst. Director Secondary Special Services