Student Enrollment

Student enrollment takes place in mid-July each year. However, we invite new students to participate in summer school. To do so, please contact the school site in which you will attend in the fall. 


Welcome to the Republic School District! Most of the new student enrollment process can be done online through Infinite Campus.  A parent/guardian in the student’s primary household residence should use this link to complete an application for Online Registration. 


Once the online registration application has been submitted, new families will need to bring the following documents to the school your student will attend. If you have multiple students to enroll, visit each student's school building to complete the process. Please note, enrollment documents need to be turned in by noon for attendance the next school day. 

  • Student’s birth certificate 

  • Student’s current immunization record 

  • Proof of Residency

    • If the name of the parent/guardian for the student being enrolled is not on the "Proof of Residency", a Request for Residency Waiver must be requested at the Federal Programs Office (636 N. Main Ave, Republic inside the Early Childhood Center building). It is suggested to call Federal Programs prior to your visit to confirm they are available, 417-735-3715. Waiver must be signed and notarized by the resident owner & parent/guardian of student. Proof of residency must be provided in the resident owner’s name to complete waiver.

  • The following documents will be accepted as proof of residency:

    • Real Estate Contract

    • Rental Agreement 

    • Utility Bill (one of the following): 

      • Electric 

      • Gas 

      • Water 

  • Current IEP/Evaluation Report or Section 504 Plan (if applicable) 

  • Divorce decree or court order if child specific stipulations are indicated or guardianship papers (if applicable) 

  • For foster children, DCN #/social worker information/biological parent information 

  • For students entering from home schooling environment, documentation of educational services provided


Once the application is approved, which means all documents have been received by the building, parents/guardians will receive an email with instructions to set up an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Please note: You may not immediately see your student(s) listed in your Parent Portal account. If after 5 business days you still don’t see your student(s) listed, call the school building they will be attending. 

NOTE: The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a tool that parents can use to monitor items like meal balances, grades, attendance, etc. We recommend using it throughout the school year!

Residency Changes

If your address has changed, it is very important that you notify the school district as soon as possible. Please complete all of the items under the "Proof of Residency" bullet listed above in order to register your new address with the Republic School District.

School Identification

The Republic School District has one Early Childhood Center, five elementary buildings, one middle school and one high school. Attendance boundary areas determine which elementary building each student will attend. Please click here to determine which school's attendance boundary area you live in based on your mailing address.

For questions, contact 417-732-3605.   

Free and Reduced Meal Application

To learn more about the Republic Food Services Department, click here, including how to access the Free and Reduced Meal Application and how to submit meal payments. For questions, call 417-735-3753.