Traffic Flow Map
Families dropping off or picking up students at Schofield Elementary can enter the car line off either N. Hampton Avenue or N. Pine Avenue. Each direction will be single file, then merge into one single file line once in the Schofield parking lot. Vehicles can exit right out of the parking lot onto E. Anderson Street.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when dropping off or picking up students:
Only let students out of your car in the designated drop-off sections of the traffic route.
Be aware of potential pedestrian students along the traffic route.
Please follow the arrows on the maps. Deviating from the provided traffic route can be a potential safety hazard for pedestrian students, and can cause other drivers frustration.
Do not park along the traffic route at any time.
Be courteous of other drivers.
When picking up, do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to dismissal as that creates traffic congestion. From the time of dismissal, it will only take 13-15 minutes for every child to be picked up.
Click here for a larger version of Schofield Elementary's traffic map.