What is Canvas?
Canvas the name of the new online learning management system that is being utilized at Republic Middle School and Republic High School. It is a rich tool that will help teachers provide a one-stop online shop to enhance student learning opportunities. Students are enrolled in their current courses each year and parents can be Observers of their student's activity in those courses.
Parents can sign up here for a free account in order to view the resources and activities posted in their child’s courses that are available on Canvas. Directions to sign up can be found here if on a PC/Laptop/Chromebook. You can also download the app "Canvas Parent" in your app store. Then, follow these video directions to create an account. (IOS paper format; Android Paper Format). If you already have a Republic Schools Canvas Parent account, simply log in on the app. If it asks for your school, search for Republic, and Republic Schools (MO) will appear. Parents SHOULD NOT log in as their student, but should create their own observer account. See the link at the bottom to change notification settings as well. If you have more than one secondary student, follow the directions at the bottom of the page for multiple students after you have added the first student. A
Parents will need:
their child’s username (the student Google Account username) --which can be obtained from the student
their child’s password (the student Google Account password) --which can be obtained from the student
a pairing code. Students have access to their pairing code and can provide that to the parent by clicking on Account, Settings, Pair with Observer.
All secondary parents can:
See announcements and the course syllabus
Keep up with events and assignments on the course calendar
See your child's assignments and quizzes, but not his/her discussion posts
View your child’s scores for assignments completed through Canvas (always check Parent Portal for official student grades)
Use the Inbox to contact the teacher
Set up notifications to get emails or texts for announcements, assignments, etc.
View the Modules page, if available in the navigation
View files and pages in the course
Parent Resources:
Using Canvas for the First Time - Parents (Tiger Up video - RMS)
Ten Canvas Tips for Observers (aka parents) - Help Guide!
Clarity for Canvas Observers (aka parents) - A website that will help you with FAQ parent questions
How do I sign up for a Canvas account as a Parent? Our Canvas Website
How do I set up my Notification Preferences as a student; as a Parent Observer?
How do I link another student to my Parent Observer account?
Student App Resources:
How do I download the Canvas app on my Android device? - Student App (only for students)
How do I download the Canvas app on my iOS device? - Student App (only for students)