Calling all Tiger Cubs! It's time for our youngest learners to sign up for school!
Any child who resides in the Republic School District boundaries that will be five years old on or before July 31 is eligible for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year
Between now and the first day of school on August 19, 2025, the following steps should be taken:
Complete online enrollment February 25-March 14. Only enroll incoming PreK and Kindergarten students at this time.
Call your student’s future school building to sign up for Kindergarten screening being held in March or April. Please complete this between February 25-March 14.
Bring the needed documentation to your child’s school by March 14. Current EC families must provide documentation, as well.
Attend Kindergarten screening in March or April at your child’s school.
Finalize enrollment by verifying and updating forms during online enrollment in July for Kindergarten students, and complete enrollment for other students in grades 1-12.
Attend Kindergarten Open House in August at your child’s school.
Details on each of these steps are below!
Here are a few documents that may be helpful as you prepare for the 2025-2026 school year:
Click here for a boundary map to determine which building your child will attend if you have not yet done so. If you have questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 417-732-3680.
New to Republic? Read more about our district here.
As you prepare to send your student to school, click here for the 2025-2026 school year calendar.