RepMO Ready
RepMO Ready is the technology expansion plan that the Republic School District implemented in order to get technology in the hands of our students to enhance their educational experience. Below is a summary of the device rollout which was completed during the 2019-20 school year. In most cases, Chromebooks are distributed for learning. Elementary students utilize devices at school. Secondary students receive a digital learning device for use both at school and at home. In order for students in grades K-12 to be issued a device for use at home, parents must:
Sign the district Policies and Procedures Form (digitally during online registration)
Sign the K-5 and/or 6-12 Technology Plan (digitally during online registration)
The steps above will be done during online registration.
Accidental Damage Protection Plan For Take-Home Devices
The district strongly encourages all families to purchase an Accidental Damage Protection Plan (ADPP) PRIOR to students taking devices home. When the cost of repairs is less than the ADPP payment, parents can opt to pay for the repair rather than implementing the ADPP for a minor repair. ADPP does not cover intentional damage as deemed by the district administration and the Technology Department.
ADPP can be purchased:
Online using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Instructions are available here)
Main Office of each school
The deadline to purchase ADPP is August 30th*. Launch students should pay for ADPP prior to picking up the device in the building's main office.
*Any damage that occurs without ADPP payment will incur full cost for repair or replacement of the device.
For questions, email the EDtech Department at
RepMO Ready Videos
Wifi Locations
Wifi is available in all school parking lots.
Republic Library Branch Hours
8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. (M-F)
8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (S)