Introducing Surprise Attendance Days! Starting in January, Sweeny Elementary will be introducing surprise attendance days! Every student that is in attendance on that day will get to participate in an attendance celebration! Check our facebook page where we will announce our surprise day at 7:45!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Sweeny MET our Second Quarter goal and we will celebrate with a PJ day tomorrow (Friday, 1/5/24). Way to go, Sweeny!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Pajama Day
2024 already? We can't believe it! Happy New Year, Sweeny Families! Here are some questions our staff Professional Learning team put together!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Holiday Hangout
Happy Winter Break, Sweeny Families! Here are some ideas for you to do over the break! Thank you to our Professional Learning Staff Action Team for creating this!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Winter Bucket List
Winter Break is less than ONE WEEK AWAY! The Republic School District will be closed for Winter Break on December 20 through January 3. Students will not attend school on Wednesday, January 3, as it will be a teacher work day. The second semester will begin on Thursday, January 4. #RepMOProud
about 1 year ago, Republic School District
Gray background with "WINTER BREAK DECEMBER 20-JANUARY 3"
Sweeny is ready to cheer on our tigers tomorrow!!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Sweeny is ready to cheer on our tigers tomorrow!!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Don't forget: Thursday, November 30, is a district-wide SPIRIT DAY! 🧡🐾 Wear your orange and black RepMO gear tomorrow to honor the Republic High School football team, which will play in its first-ever state championship game on Friday! 🏈 RHS will celebrate with a pep rally on Thursday, then the team will visit Republic Middle School and each elementary building. We look forward to sending the Tigers off to the Show-Me Bowl with a great show of support! #RepMOProud
about 1 year ago, Republic School District
Black and white picture of football players, words that say "REPUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT SPIRIT DAY SUPPORTING RHS FOOTBALL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30"
Check out these celebrations from our community time yesterday!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Each Saturday, we will showcase a Sweeny Superstar! These are students that are going above and beyond each day. Next time you visit us, be sure to check out our "Superstar Wall" to see all of the pictures of our superstars. Today we would like to recognize Cannon! Cannon has been a great friend to a new student in his class. Cannon goes out of his way to include this student and sets an example for his classmates! Way to go, Cannon!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
It's almost time for Thanksgiving Break! The Republic School District will be closed on November 22, 23 and 24. Classes will resume on Monday, November 27! #RepMOProud
about 1 year ago, Republic School District
Orange triangles on the corner, gray stripe down the middle. Tiger head logo centered at the top with the words "THANKSGIVING BREAK, NOVEMBER 22-24, 2023, DISTRICT CLOSED"
Each Saturday, we will showcase a Sweeny Superstar! These are students that are going above and beyond each day. Next time you visit us, be sure to check out our "Superstar Wall" to see all of the pictures of our superstars. Today we would like to recognize Love! Love stopped to tie a friends shoe in the cafeteria. Way to go, Love!
about 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
We had so much fun at our Veterans Day parade honoring those who have served! More pictures to come!
over 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
We are excited to share our celebrations from Friday's Community Time! #cultureandclimate
over 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Adrian Celebration
Abel celebration
Jayse celebration
Overall celebrations
Each Saturday, we will showcase a Sweeny Superstar! These are students that are going above and beyond each day. Next time you visit us, be sure to check out our "Superstar Wall" to see all of the pictures of our superstars. Today we would like to recognize Dwayne! Dwayne has been working hard to meet his academic goal and he did it! Way to go, Dwayne!
over 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
November is here! Below is a list of dates to add to your calendar this month. November 10: End of Progress 4 (RMS/RHS) November 16: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m. at Central Office November 17: End of Progress 2 (Elementary), Progress 4 Grade Cards Distributed (RMS/RHS) November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break (District Closed) Keep track of other important dates at! #RepMOProud
over 1 year ago, Republic School District
Gray striped background, white box with "DATES TO REMEMBER," with a small graphic of a calendar and "REPUBLICSCHOOLS.ORG"
We are so excited to announce a new series of posts! Each Saturday, we will showcase a Sweeny Superstar! These are students that are going above and beyond each day. Next time you visit us, be sure to check out our "Superstar Wall" to see all of pictures of our superstars. Today we would like to recognize Brody! Brody stayed after lunch to help Ms. Jessica and Ms. Jonna in the cafeteria! Way to go, Brody!
over 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Sweeny Superstar
Our first Wildly Important Goal Cycle ended on October 20th! Sweeny had a goal that 80% of our students would meet their individual goals. We ended the goal cycle at 73%. We had three grade levels that did meet their goals and they will celebrate in their classes and as a grade level. We are excited to kick off our next goal cycle beginning on November 6!
over 1 year ago, Sweeny Elementary
Goal Scoreboard
Don't forget: There will be NO SCHOOL for students tomorrow, October 27 or Monday, October 30 due to Fall Break. We'll see students back at school on Tuesday, October 31. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Republic School District
Orange stripe with the words "FALL BREAK, OCTOBER 27-30, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS."
The Republic School District will host its first-ever "Intro to RepMO" night! This educator recruitment event will be held on November 14, 5:30-7:00 p.m., at Sweeny Elementary. All educators interested in a teaching career with Republic Schools are welcome to attend to learn more about the district, meet current employees and tour school buildings. #RepMOProud Details are available here:
over 1 year ago, Republic School District
Tiger stripe background with 'INTRO TO REPMO"
Tiger stripe background with an orange box an details about the event