No-Tax Rate Increase Bond Issue
EC and Kindergarten Enrollment 2025-2026
RepMO Hero
Jared Brown Director of Republic Bands
No School Feb 14 & Make-up 2/17
RepMO Hero
MTC Cadre
2 APs hired
April 8 Resolution Passed
School In Session 1/20
RepMO Hero
Intro to RepMO
RepMO Hero
Gray box, white text that says Republic School District Board of Education Filing Days
Gray border, orange box with the words "ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2024"
Orange background, light orange stars, badge symbol with the words "REPMO HERO" with a tiger head in the middle
Snow background, white lettering that says, "WINTER WEATHER PROCEDURES 2024-2025" with a tiger head logo at the bottom
Family Survey
Gray background, two administrator photos on the right, with orange text that reads, "REPUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT NAMES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PRINCIPALS"